Monday, April 5, 2010

Media Law: Group Projects

Each group will work together to research the following topics. We will build PowerPoint slideshows to present to the class.

Media Law: Invasion of privacy

Libel law

Freedom of information law

Copyright law

Press freedom

History of the First Amendment

Student publication law

See me if you have questions about your topic.

Okay ...

1. Research phase: Get with your group and research your topic. Spend about one class period in the research phase.

2. Build your slides. We need a minumum of 10 slides per presentation - and please turn in one copy of your slides to Mr. Bank.

Make sure one slide has all group memeber names on it, as well as sources and citations for your project. Spend about one class period on this building phase as well.

In addition - we need three extra slides per group, with a good potential quiz question on each slide. I will combine your questions to create our quiz over this Media Law mini unit.

3. Present your slides to the class.