After reading An Introduction to the Odyssey, pg. 740, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use the text to support your answers - or use quality Internet sources to help you out.
1.Who is traditionally accepted as the author of the Odyssey?
2. How is the Odyssey related to the Illiad?
3. When and where does the Illiad take place?
4. Where is Odysseus's home?
5. What is a Homeric simile?
6. Where does the phrase "Achilles heel" come from?
7. Why are we still reading this work, a few thousand years after it was written?
8. Related to question 7, what is a canonical work?
9. The Odyssey is filled with adventures and battles. How was war conducted in the 12th century B.C.? What did soldiers eat, and wear?
10. What is double determination? This might be tricky to find - take your time and ask questions if you are stuck. You may want to expand your Google search to something such as - double determination odyssey.