1. Use a thesaurus to find two (2) synonyms for each word:
2. Meet the author: Who is Julia Alvarez? (born in 1950)
Write 1 paragraph about her background.
3. Sometimes the title of a work gives big clues to its theme. Think Night.
What do you think a fictional work by Alvarez titled "Liberty" might be about?
What about a poem titled "Exile?"
4. Imagine you are forced to leave home suddenly.
What are the top three things you would want to bring with you and why?
What will you miss most about your home?
5. Genre refers to the kind, or type, of literature.
What tools and techniques do you think the writer of a short story uses to convey the message of theme?
What about a poem: What tools and techniques would be used to convey theme here?
And nonfiction (like a newspaper article): How would theme be conveyed in a factual article?
6. Many of you are using the term "frenemies" to describe the theme of Unit 4. Define this term.
7. What challenges might immigrants face when coming to this country? Use the concept of "frenemies" in your answer.
8. Draw a picture of what liberty means to you. Try and capture this theme in a piece of art you create. See Mr. Bank for crayons.
9. When you are finished, read Liberty on page 296, and answer the six questions on page 303.