1. "Shattered Glass" has given us a lot to think about; one question is what Stephen Glass is up to now. This is harder to uncover than I suspected - so see if you can help find out what he's doing, or has done, since his public fall from grace.
2. One person who has not vanished after a fall from grace is former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who we met in a previous blog entry. Now he's doing guest spots on Fox News, appearing as an "expert" on corruption - and discussing the health care bill and possible issues of corruption with that huge piece of legislation.
You don't need to watch the video of him on Fox to answer this question: Does his appearance on Fox News weaken that network's credibility in your eyes as a serious news organization? Why or why not?
3. Some call journalism our culture's noblest profession, because it protects our most precious freedoms. What is meant by this statement?
4. What's the relationship between good character and good journalism?
5. After you watched this movie, has your opinion of the credibility of journalists shifted or changed in any way?