Making connections
2. What is the difference between theme and subject?
3. Many themes are universal: We can all relate to them - even people from different places and time periods. Hunt down a different book, movie, TV show or song that has the following themes present, and cite your source.
Find these themes in a work:
> unbreakable friendship
> pain of war
> the blurred line between friends and enemies (no, don't use Disguises or Sniper)
Word Stories
4. Words don't just fall out of the sky - they come from somewhere. Often that "somewhere" is a very interesting place with a cool story behind it.
Uncover the back story to these words - some from our text, and some from our present-day popular culture:
> silhouette
> sandwich
> maverick
> chauvinism
> google (not the website, the verb).
> bling
> xerox (as in to copy something)
> kleenex
Answer one of the following questions (just one, your choice) thoughtfully, using developed sentences/paragraphs. I'd like your answers to be one page long, double-spaced.
> re-write the story from the brother's point of view
> eliminate the final line of the story and write your own ending
> write a dramatic monologue of the sniper, who suddenly realizes what he has done
(All work including one-page essay due at end of class)