Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Public Relations 101

Where does the news come from?

A large portion of what we ultimately consume in the media comes from public relations professionals, working on behalf of companies, individuals, organizations and even countries.

The industry strives for a high standard of ethics, but whether this is achieved is often (perhaps unfairly) open to debate. After all, the goal of the PR profession is to shape opinion - and news - in favor of its clients.

To do:

1. After reading the above sources, describe PR in your own words. What is your definition of PR?

Next ...

One of the central jobs of a PR pro is securing press coverage; and one of the top tools for achieving this is the press release:

Basically a press release is an AP-style briefing, or news story, telling the news media what they need to know to write a story of their own.

PR pros send out press releases to news editors and reporters, in hopes of securing "free" press. So a news release or pitch to the media needs to be considered newsworthy - worth the reporter's time to cover.

When sending out a press release, it helps to pave the way with a pitch letter - this is your email to the editors/reporters alerting them of the news item you are suggesting they cover.

The assignment.

2. Imagine you are hired to conduct public relations for VeggieTown - a new, healthy fast food restaurant on Restaurant Hill in Montrose.

First prepare a pitch letter - a brief email draft - that you would send area editors and reporters.

pitch letter components:

  • catchy subject line
  • sentence or two selling your story
  • instructions for finding more information (such as "see attached release for background; visit our website; call me, etc.).
Next, write the actual press release you would attach along with your pitch letter.

press release components:

News-style format - headline, dateline, intro paragraph, quotes from your client's CEO. Refer to the Starbucks press release for help with structure and components of your release.

Finally: Source three reporters or editors who might be interested in this story from area media. Find their actual email addresses and paste those into your document.

Recap: Create a pitch letter, press release and media distribution list for your news item - the opening of VeggieTown healthy fast food restaurant in Montrose.

Quiz: Media Law

1. Describe Oprah Winfrey's new "unauthorized" biography briefly - who wrote it; what kind of content is in it; and what's Oprah's stance on this work?

2. Most importantly - why is this book legal to write, in the U.S. - base your answer on material we learned during our presentations.

3. What's the 10/20/30 rule for PowerPoints? How might you reconsider this project, or future projects, based on this rule?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Intro to Journalism: Sports feature

Imagine you are a reporter working in the newsroom, and your editor throws a sports assignment your way:

"Go cover Opening Day. Make it a feature-style story, but add facts," your editor tells you. "Give me background on opening day - what makes this day so special. Splash in some history, and colorful stories, facts and figures."

Your editor pauses for a moment. "And then tie your story to the April 12th Home Opener we just had - offer coverage of that game."

"Wait," you say. "You want me to write a feature on the Home Opener, and combine it with a sports story covering the first Home Opener game this year?" you ask.

"Absolutely, just pretend you were there - use that fancy Internet thingy all you young people love so much ... and pretend you were there," he snaps, before telling you to get out of his office.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Journalism across the pond

First read this brief article, which explains that many European/British newspapers are well-known to have a purposeful political bias ... even in the news pages.

Of course as thinking consumers of media, we realize our media is typically also heavily biased; however, our news pages are still supposed to aspire to a serious level of objectivity - sticking to facts.

So, with this understanding that even news stories are purposefully politicized in the United Kingdom (as opposed to keeping opinions in the editorial section), read the Daily Mail article on China's "massacre" of unborn girls.

This article, a great example of a news story heavy with opinion yet strongly supported with facts, raises potent questions about morals and politics. Note the social media components of this news story as well: Not only can you comment on this article, but you can also vote on the quality of the comments!

To Do:

After reading the two articles and browsing the comments at the bottom of the China article, write a one-page double spaced summary offering your reaction to what you've read.

Write about or analyze anything you want concerning the above:

- writing quality or style of the China article
- differences in journalism between U.S./Britian
- China's moral and political issues
- social media components of a modern news story ... etc., etc.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Media Law: Group Projects

Each group will work together to research the following topics. We will build PowerPoint slideshows to present to the class.

Media Law: Invasion of privacy

Libel law

Freedom of information law

Copyright law

Press freedom

History of the First Amendment

Student publication law

See me if you have questions about your topic.

Okay ...

1. Research phase: Get with your group and research your topic. Spend about one class period in the research phase.

2. Build your slides. We need a minumum of 10 slides per presentation - and please turn in one copy of your slides to Mr. Bank.

Make sure one slide has all group memeber names on it, as well as sources and citations for your project. Spend about one class period on this building phase as well.

In addition - we need three extra slides per group, with a good potential quiz question on each slide. I will combine your questions to create our quiz over this Media Law mini unit.

3. Present your slides to the class.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Introduction to the Odyssey

After reading An Introduction to the Odyssey, pg. 740, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Use the text to support your answers - or use quality Internet sources to help you out.

1.Who is traditionally accepted as the author of the Odyssey?

2. How is the Odyssey related to the Illiad?

3. When and where does the Illiad take place?

4. Where is Odysseus's home?

5. What is a Homeric simile?

6. Where does the phrase "Achilles heel" come from?

7. Why are we still reading this work, a few thousand years after it was written?

8. Related to question 7, what is a canonical work?

9. The Odyssey is filled with adventures and battles. How was war conducted in the 12th century B.C.? What did soldiers eat, and wear?

10. What is double determination? This might be tricky to find - take your time and ask questions if you are stuck. You may want to expand your Google search to something such as - double determination odyssey.

Copyright & Plagiarism 101

Understanding copyright law and the ins and outs of plagiarism is central to being a quality journalist or publisher of any kind.

Whether it's the student newspaper, yearbook or any other publication, there are clear, real, actual laws governing what we can use and not use when it comes to using other people's work.

After watching the PowerPoint presentation on copyright law, complete this webquest - Activity I Scavenger Hunt and Activity II, You be the judge. (Ignore the third activity).

Complete this assignment in a Word doc or write out your answers - your choice.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Heroes & monsters: An introduction

Heroes and Monsters: Introduction to Collection 10

1. When you think of a hero, what qualities come to mind?

2. Which of these traits does Shrek share with heroes; how is Shrek a hero?

3. What are traits of monsters and evil villians you see recurring in TV, movies and literature?

4. Do traits of heroes ever overlap with monsters? Do the good guys ever share characteristics with the bad guys?

5. Did Shrek cross this line - moving back and forth between a hero and a monster?

6. Go ahead and google "characteristics of epic hero." List five traits of an epic hero.

7. What's an epic poem?

8. Who is Homer? Not Homer Simpson, but Homer who is credited with writing The Odyssey. Was he a real person? Was he a "he?"

9. What is a muse?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Cashing in on corruption

1. "Shattered Glass" has given us a lot to think about; one question is what Stephen Glass is up to now. This is harder to uncover than I suspected - so see if you can help find out what he's doing, or has done, since his public fall from grace.

2. One person who has not vanished after a fall from grace is former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, who we met in a previous blog entry. Now he's doing guest spots on Fox News, appearing as an "expert" on corruption - and discussing the health care bill and possible issues of corruption with that huge piece of legislation.

You don't need to watch the video of him on Fox to answer this question: Does his appearance on Fox News weaken that network's credibility in your eyes as a serious news organization? Why or why not?

3. Some call journalism our culture's noblest profession, because it protects our most precious freedoms. What is meant by this statement?

4. What's the relationship between good character and good journalism?

5. After you watched this movie, has your opinion of the credibility of journalists shifted or changed in any way?

Writing good editorials & opinions

Editorials & opinions

Editorials are a newspaper's position on an issue; opinion columns are personality driven.

There are four basic types of editorials:
  • Explanation
  • Critique
  • Praise
  • Persuade
Entertaining is a fifth function - often used in opinion columns.

Purpose of an editorial

An editorial is designed to convince other people that you are correct. Be confident in your stance - passion is key to a powerful editorial or opinion.

Good editorials are based on research and facts. Have your facts in order before you take your stance and write! I repeat, get all of your facts in line before you put your fingers to the keys.

Timeliness: Good editorials typically tie in with the issues of the day, and have a compelling news angle embedded inside.


Intro - Just as with our reviews, we want a strong catchy intro where you state your thesis, and take your position. Remember the six Ws.

Body - In the following short paragraphs, back up your opinion and thesis with clear and well-argued points.

Consider mentioning the other side of the argument - and shooting down that argument before continuing on with your main points. That's an effective editorial technique: Bring up the opponent's best point and crush it.

Conclusion - Wrap up by repeating your main point, and making a strong call to action; give the reader something to really think about.

note: Unlike our previous reviews, editorials and opinions typically don't use "I."


Here's a NY Times editorial
on the benefits of taxing soda and other sweetened beverages.

Here is an opinion in the Beacon Journal that uses a very effective technique when arguing that Obama is not overly apologetic.

This Washington Times editorial
uses a very effective intro as well: There's no mistaking the thesis and black and white delivery of facts in this piece on Obama energy policy.

So, let's get started with our first of three opinion pieces: Our local angle. Remember, research forms the basis of good opinions.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Writing Workshop II: Differences in Media

The way different news media treats the same event can be radically different. First we are going to take a look at a local news broadcast's handling of a recent Sea World employee's death.

This event made a national media splash, after a killer whale grabbed an employee (a whale trainer) and dragged her under the water until she drowned.

Note the TV news caster's emotional tone in his voice, his dramatic body language, and the way he repeatedly tells us that "children witnessed this!" The video is here.

That's one huge difference between TV and the Net: Time. The TV news clip has just seconds to grab our attention and deliver to us the news. But the Internet media consumer has more time to slow down, read, click, listen, etc.

So if you want the news basics in a hurry, TV news works. If you want more in-depth coverage, the Net may be the way to go - as we are about to see.

Next we are contrasting the TV news treatment with a story found on NPR's website. NPR's analysis is much more thorough, and also includes a video clip - which is comparatively more calm and rational in its tone and approach. (NPR's clip found here).

In addition to the video clip the NPR story offers significant background material, including a statement from the Humane Society, and a report from the Orlando Sentinel newspaper.

As more information became known about this event, we can see the NPR report was updated: Starting at the bottom of the page and scrolling to the top, the story was updated four times as more information came in.

Finally, an interesting aspect of online news media is the additional perspective that comment sections can offer to stories. Oftentimes, the comment section sheds new light on a story, or brings out diverse ethical, legal and political issues that enrich a story's event coverage.

Of course comments can sometimes be just plain ridiculous, but most commenters appear serious in these social forums. The NPR story is found here.

So ... Take out your Venn Diagram worksheets (pg 34) and fill in the news event box.

Then fill in the styles, techniques, methods, layout, structure, etc. that the TV and the Internet news stories use to tell this killer whale tale. The middle circle is where they overlap - similarities the two stories share.

One similarity is the topic itself. One difference is TV uses emotion. Another difference - Internet stories have comment sections.

Cheat Sheet: (Don't read this)

What's the big deal about a thesis statement anyway: It's just your main point.

Same for summary/last paragraph: Just restate your main point, but try to do it in a slightly different way, or add a new fact or point.

Our main point seems to be shaping up along the lines of:

"Different types of media can cover the same event in different ways. TV does X. The Internet offers readers Y." Yeah, it's that simple.

Our story outline follows block format we already know:
  • Intro
  • TV
  • Internet
  • Summary
Just connect your paragraphs using sentences with transition words!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Freshman Lit: Comparing news coverage

Imagine that the events in "The Sniper" really happened - and you saw media coverage of this event from two sources.

First you saw a TV report, on the local evening news. Next, you went online and read a report from a news website.

1. How do you think these two stories would differ in their coverage? Be specific: First talk about the TV report and what it would feature.

Next, discuss how you think the Internet would approach the story - what would differences between the two sources be?

2. Would you rather watch TV news or read about it? Why? Be specific.

3. What are the common elements of any good news story? What qualities to good news stories share?

4. Why do different media present news so differently?

5. If you were a news reporter, what question would you ask the sniper if you had the chance to interview him?

6. Transitional words and phrases are the glue holding together good stories. They help you move from paragraph to paragraph - and from idea to idea. They help you kick things off, and sum things up.

To Do:
List ten transitional words and phrases:

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chipmunks can be quite dramatic ...

Viral Videos are a media-related cultural phenomenon worth examining: They are a marketer's dream, and ... oh, who am I kidding? They are fun to watch, as we take a break before we get back into writing editorials and opinions.

(19 milion views)

(35 million views)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Famous for being famous?

1. Go ahead and finish up our Truman Webquest from yesterday ... then take a look below.

2. There's no question the impact of reality TV on our culture has been huge; before we move on, let's take a last look at reality TV in this Time Magazine article.

The writer's stance is pretty clear: Please read this article and summarize it in a short essay; take this opportunity to summarize your own thoughts on reality television and its impact on our culture.

3. As budding journalists and keen observers of culture, let's take a look at a phenomenon closely related to the whole reality TV explosion: Being famous for being famous!

This is a serious cultural phenomenon worthy of examination: A quick Google search for the term: famous for being famous produces 53 million search results. That's significant.

As a comparison, searching for ice cream produces 59 million results; A search for santa claus returns 15 million results.

Question: What do the popularity of these people say about our culture? What do you feel about celebrity being achieved - without any actual or substantial achievement involved?

Which celebrities do you personally feel are the most overrated, or have achieved fame without any actual accomplishment?

4. Take a moment and get to know Rod Blagojevich.

Years ago this man would have been banished from public life; now, following a serious scandal, Rod found a home on Trump's reality TV show "Celebrity Apprentice."

Question: Again, put on your cultural observer cap. Does this bother you - the fact this disgraced politician found a home in our living rooms instead of disappearing into the dustbin of history?

Why or why not? It's okay to be opinionated, as we are about to move into examining newspaper editorials and opinions.

Last question: What's the difference between editorials and opinion columns, anyway?

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Celebrities say the darndest things!

(1:30 - 2:16) Here is actor Sean Penn suggesting that journalists who criticize Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez should go to jail.

Here's the E-Trade commercial that aired during the SuperBowl ... and angered Linday Lohan. She's now suing the investment company for $100 Million dollars.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Truman Show Thinkquest

Reflecting on the above videos ...

1. As budding journalists, how might you explain to Mr. Penn that jailing journalists for criticizing leaders is a bad thing? Use the First Amendment in your answer.

2. If you take a moment to learn about Mr. Chavez and the charges of a state-controlled media and jailed dissenting journalists, why is Penn's statement deeply ironic?

3. When you first watched the E*Trade video above, did you think they were referring to Lindsay Lohan? Do you feel there is validity to her lawsuit?

Back to Truman ...

The Truman Show raises many deep questions about society, media and culture directly related to our previous and upcoming discussions and projects.

So before we move on, let's take a closer look at this film. Please answer each question thoroughly and thoughtfully: Use Word or paper - your choice. This assignment is due Wednesday March 10 at the start of class.

1. This movie has been called prophetic, in terms of predicting the rise and impact of reality TV on our culture. Do you agree?

2. Is reality TV real? To what extent?

3. When did The Real World first air? How has reality TV changed since this show's debut?

The quotes of the show's producer, Christof, bring up some intense ethical issues. I'm paraphrasing these as closely as possible:

4. "Truman prefers this world; yours is the sick world."

What does this quote tell you about Christof?

5. When asked how Truman has believed his false reality so long, Cristof replies, "People accept the reality with which they are presented."

Do you believe this is the case?

6. How do you feel toward Christof? Why?

7. What do you feel this film is saying about the concept of free will?

8. When Truman reaches the wall, at the end of his traumatic boat ride, he pounds on the wall and weeps. What do you think he is feeling at this moment?

Monday March 8: Frenemies, Immigrants and Liberty

1. Use a thesaurus to find two (2) synonyms for each word:


2. Meet the author: Who is Julia Alvarez? (born in 1950)

Write 1 paragraph about her background.

3. Sometimes the title of a work gives big clues to its theme. Think Night.

What do you think a fictional work by Alvarez titled "Liberty" might be about?

What about a poem titled "Exile?"

4. Imagine you are forced to leave home suddenly.

What are the top three things you would want to bring with you and why?

What will you miss most about your home?

5. Genre refers to the kind, or type, of literature.

What tools and techniques do you think the writer of a short story uses to convey the message of theme?

What about a poem: What tools and techniques would be used to convey theme here?

And nonfiction (like a newspaper article): How would theme be conveyed in a factual article?

6. Many of you are using the term "frenemies" to describe the theme of Unit 4. Define this term.

7. What challenges might immigrants face when coming to this country? Use the concept of "frenemies" in your answer.

8. Draw a picture of what liberty means to you. Try and capture this theme in a piece of art you create. See Mr. Bank for crayons.

9. When you are finished, read Liberty on page 296, and answer the six questions on page 303.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Freshman Lit: Mini Quest: Troubles in Ireland

Before reading the nonfiction items in our text ...

> A Country Divided pg. 282

> Lives in the Crossfire pg. 286

> Internment pg. 289

> Peace Isn't Impossible pg. 290

... take a moment and complete this mini webquest.

1. What is a primary source? Give an example

2. What is a secondary source? Give an example

Use the following words in an original sentence:

3. intolerance


5. designate

6. absorb

7. reunification

8. divergent

9. coerced

10. abhor

11. optimist

12. condone

13. Answer this question thoughtfully and in detail:

Why is there fighting in Northern Ireland?

When did this conflict start, and why?

Who is fighting who?

What role does religion play in the conflict?

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Freshman Writing Workshop: Theme (3.3.10)

Background: Universal Themes

There are universal concerns and experiences that tie us together as humans - across time, place and culture. These themes find expression in the artwork and literature of various cultures.

One of the themes we are studying in Collection 4 is the often-blurred line between Friends and Enemies: Frienimies, as you guys have taken to calling it.

From Irish snipers on rooftops, to soldiers in the 1950s Korean conflict, loyalties become divided between duty and honor, and family and friendships.

Writing Workshop Part 1: Pre-Write

Use the graphic organizer I've handed out (or print out this one) and fill out the following informational chart (add two rows at the bottom - add rows E and F).

Fill it out with this information:

The Sniper . Cranes

Main Character:
Character's Conflict:
Character's Motives:
What Character Learns:
How Conflict is Resolved:
Statement of Theme:

Fill in your organizer, and show me your work before continuing.

Writing Workshop Part 2: Comparing Themes Across Different Works

Now it's time to compare and contrast the themes of Sniper and Cranes.

Step 1: Gather information. Done! We just did this with our graphic organizer. Nice ...

Step 2: Meet the Block Method. This is where you first write a paragraph about one story, then write a second paragraph about the second story. The paragraphs sit on top of each other, like blocks. You build your essay like you are building a story out of Legos.

So your essay will follow this format:

Introduction: First tell the reader what works you are comparing - title, author, background info, etc. Also, start out with your thesis statement in this first intro paragraph.

Body: Write on The Sniper (block 1), then write on Cranes (block 2). Use your guide! Each "block" should contain:

Main Character
Character's Conflict
Character's Motives
What Character Learns
How Conflict is Resolved
Statement of Theme

**note on theme - you need a full sentence: themes can't be summed up adequately with a single word.

Conclusion: Sum up your major points, and introduce a new thought.

Tips: Provide examples, details and quotations to support your thesis.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

look! look! pay attention here!

Story should be structured like:


Sniper block

Cranes block


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Editing Process: When you are done writing, turn in your paper and begin the peer editing process. We are going to swap papers with each other, and grade according to our checklists.

Turn in your work: Once our final paper is written, turn in three things to me:

Your 1. graphic organizer
2. edited copy
3. final copy - all stapled together.

(all ideas taken from your Holt textbook; see page 260 and 280 for clarification/magnification).

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Freshman Lit: Thursday Nov. 25 > Sniper and Theme

Please answer all of the questions below, on a separate piece of paper (your choice, Word or hand-written). Use your books or the Internet to help find/support your answers. I recommend typing ...

Making connections

1. What themes connect Disguises with Sniper? Use full sentences and be thorough.

2. What is the difference between theme and subject?

3. Many themes are universal: We can all relate to them - even people from different places and time periods. Hunt down a different book, movie, TV show or song that has the following themes present, and cite your source.

Find these themes in a work:

> unbreakable friendship

> pain of war

> the blurred line between friends and enemies (no, don't use Disguises or Sniper)

Word Stories

4. Words don't just fall out of the sky - they come from somewhere. Often that "somewhere" is a very interesting place with a cool story behind it.

Uncover the back story to these words - some from our text, and some from our present-day popular culture:

> silhouette

> sandwich

> maverick

> chauvinism

5. Now uncover the history behind these more modern terms:

> google (not the website, the verb).

> bling

> xerox (as in to copy something)

> kleenex

6. Writing Workshop

Answer one of the following questions (just one, your choice) thoughtfully, using developed sentences/paragraphs. I'd like your answers to be one page long, double-spaced.

> re-write the story from the brother's point of view

> pretend you are the central character: write a letter to your parents informing them of your brother's death

> eliminate the final line of the story and write your own ending

> write a dramatic monologue of the sniper, who suddenly realizes what he has done

(All work including one-page essay due at end of class)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Intro to Journalism: Food Reviews

Writing food product reviews is similar to a music review - well, at least the process is similar.

First, we research other sources in order to ID reviews we like. The same questions apply:

What reviews do you like, and why? I hyperlinked that last source, because I thought the author offered a cool intro: A history of sunchips in a nutshell. The author then segues nicely into the review of the current product - tying together background with the product at hand.

Our process is the same as with music reviews:

First: Find reviews you like (or don't like) and think about why.

(Google search terms could be along the lines of "food product reviews," etc.)

Next: Write a first draft, peer edit, and turn in your final with the rubric and edits.

The secret to a good food product review is in the details! Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • What are your general attitudes toward this sort of food product?

  • Which products have you tried from competitors?

  • What prompted you to try this product?

  • What instructions were given for usage?

  • How did it differ from your expectations?

  • What was unexpected about this product, or caught you off guard?

  • What were the disadvantages?

  • Is the product available in different sizes/flavors/packages - including a diet/health line?

  • How is it packaged (recyclable, easy to use/store, etc.)?

Once again, we want a catchy intro - possibly some background and history on the product.

Compare, compare, compare!

Sum up and call to action. Ex: Buy this, don't buy this ... along with your reasons why.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Intro to Journalism: Monday February 22

Before we get back into music reviews, read the following article from the Charlotte Observer. It's an interview with Newsweek's editor, who claims the media does not have a liberal bias.

Pay particular attention to the last question in the interview!

Action: Write or type up a few paragraphs, offering your reaction to this article. State any opinion or position you want as you review this article ... just be sure to back up and defend your positions.

Turn in your paper, written or typed, when you are finished. Then return to writing your music reviews - but be sure to first check out the bonus opportunity below. ...

Bonus opportunity! We had a previous opportunity to earn bonus points by successfully editing a Wikipedia entry (and that offer still stands). Here's another:

Remember, we are examining media and how we interact with it. Notice this interview is conducted by Taylor Batten, editor of the Observer's opinion pages. His email is listed at the end of the story.

Your challenge for bonus points: Write a very brief, thoughtful letter to the editor (Mr. Batten), stating your opinion on whether the media is biased. Show it to me first (for edits), and then go ahead and let Mr. Batten know your opinion for full points!

Okay ... back to music reviews!

Freshman Lit Monday Feb. 22: Theme

Collection 4: Friends and Enemies

After watching the videos above, answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper. Turn in your own paper - for a grade - at the end of class.

>There is a difference between the theme and the subject of a work.

  • The subject of the Rocky Movies is boxing.
  • The themes are the strength of the human spirit, never giving up, believing in the underdog, the importance of family and relationships, and always believing in your dreams.

Question 1: What is the subject of Harry Potter (the entire series)?

Question 2: What are some themes of Harry Potter?

Question 3: What is the subject of Night?

Question 4: What are some themes of Night?

5. The line between friends and enemies can become blurred and confusing. How is the line between friends and enemies blurred in Night? Give an example and explain your answer.

6. Describe one example from your own life, when the lines between friends and enemies was blurred.

7. In your own words, what is a good working definition of "theme?"

Homework: Bring Your Book. No Excuses!

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday February 18: Writing music reviews

1. Setting the stage: Group Discussion - use your graphic organizer I handed out to organize your thoughts as we talk.

You guys were very opinionated about music reviews, and it got me thinking about some issues:

  • Are peer reviews more valuable than an "expert?" Why or why not?
  • Is it ethical to download music for free? What are the pros and cons for the artist?
  • The music reviews you liked - what stuck out about them; why did you like them?
  • Where are these reviews falling short?
Okay, let's get ready to write.

Click back over to the post here on Eating Media, and review the basic parts of a good music review. Remember, these are just suggestions.

The assignment: Go ahead and write the first draft of your review, on a Microsoft Word doc to be turned in at the end of class. We will undergo a more extensive editing process next!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Music reviews: Writing tips and resources

Writing music reviews

Remember, professional music reviews vary depending on a magazine and author's style - there is a lot of flexibility for creativity here.

Here are some helpful tips for getting started writing your reviews:

> Catchy intro: Include intriguing background info, breaking news and big announcements about the band. Let your audience know right off the bat your attitude toward this album.

> Review of at least three songs from the album

> Compare to other works: Let readers know how this effort compares to past albums by the band, or to other bands within the same genre of music.

> Conclusion: Urge readers to take action - buy or download the music (or not!).

Resources for your reviews

Metacritic - links to several new albums and artists

professional reviews - links to Yahoo!, Rolling Stone and other sites offering reviews

Amazon - read peer and professional reviews here

Skateboarding bulldogs!

Watch CBS News Videos Online

Wednesday February 17: Junk Media

Take a moment to think about the concepts we have discussed so far.

Next, open a Word doc, type your name on the paper, and answer the following questions:

1. What do you think the makers of this last YouTube video mean by the term Junk Media?

2. Over 25 years ago, Neil Postman predicted, "We will become, in a phrase, a people amused into stupidity."

Do you think the media we consume is amusing us into stupidity?

3. Why is understanding a media outlet's potential bias important?

4.How is the media treating President Obama? This is your opinion - just make sure you support your answer.

Turn these questions in when you are finished/by the end of class.

video: junk media

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Politics 101

For the purposes of this class, it's helpful to know a bit about the left-right political spectrum.

  • A left-leaning news organization or news source is associated with liberals and Democrats.
  • A right-leaning news organization or news outfit is aligned with conservatives and Republicans.

Is Wikipedia a valid source?

For this class, absolutely; we are focusing on social media, and Wikipedia is a socially created news source.

It's a great place to start a project. As with all of the media sources we are studying, think critically about it! Do not accept what's on that page at face value, or as absolute truth.

If the Wikipedia entry you find seems solid, use it - and double check it with other sources.

If it seems like nonsense, it probably is. **Take a shot at editing the page if you feel up to it - that's how it works!

Remember: You are controlling your media use and consumption for this class. You decide.

**If you edit a Wikipedia entry successfully, print out your edits and show me for bonus points.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Media Studies Webquest: Media Bias

Media Studies Webquest: Examining Media Bias


1. Work alone or in groups from your tables
2. Log onto computers
3. Research the following questions (make sure your sources are credible)
4. Answer on a separate sheet of paper
5. Turn in your work when finished

Background: In 1996, Newscorp established the Fox News Channel, a 24-hour cable news station to compete against the rival channel CNN.

1. Who is the president of Newscorp (Fox News)?

What are his political affiliations and/or beliefs?

2. Who is the founder of CNN?

What are his political affiliations and/or beliefs?

Thinking further ...

3. How might the opinions of Fox’s founder affect media coverage and potential bias?

4. How might the opinions of CNN’s founder affect media coverage and potential bias?

Thinking critically about your sources ...

5. Go to Google and type define: cable news (a neat way to get definitions for just about anything).

What website/source is listed in the search results? What is your opinion about this website, as an informational source for your school work and projects? Defend your answer.

Amusing ourselves to death

When news and entertainment collide ...

  • Amusing Ourselves to Death
  • Important book published in 1985
  • The book is growing in relevance as time goes on.
Here's an excerpt from Postman's book. See if Postman's assertions hold true, over 20 years later:

…we will become a trivial people, incapable of coping with complexity, ambiguity, uncertainty, perhaps even reality. We will become, in a phrase, a people amused into stupidity.

Television has become the command center of our culture. The light entertainment is not the problem. The least dangerous things on television are its junk.

On television all subject matter is presented as entertaining. And that is how television brings ruin to any intelligent understanding of public affairs.

How serious can a bombing in Lebanon be if it is shown to us prefaced by a happy United Airlines commercial and summarized by a Calvin Klein jeans commercial? When newscasters say, “Now…this,” they mean to indicate that what you have just heard or seen has no relevance to what you are about to hear.

When a people become, in short, an audience and their public business a vaudeville act, then…a nation finds itself at risk and culture-death is a clear possibility.

Keep these thoughts in mind as we examine the treatment of Sarah Palin in the news and entertainment industries:

Palin treatment: SNL & MSNBC

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Okay first we saw the treatment of Sarah Palin on the news (MSNBC). Next, we saw Saturday Night live doing a skit on Sarah Palin.

And now here, we see a total convergence of news, entertainment and culture: The news (Fox) is covering a Sarah Palin skit on Saturday Night Live - treating this sketch as a news story.

Mass Media video 3: corporate influences

Media Distortions: Video 2

Mass Media Introductory Video

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Webquest: Wiesel's Night and the Nazis

Webquest instructions:

1. Log onto the webquest website.

1. Find your topic, according to your group's number.

3. Answer the questions for your topic as a group.

4. Create a PowerPoint presentation - presenting your findings and answering your group's questions.

5. Make sure you include one slide with everyone's name on it!

6. Save your slide show on a flash drive and give to Mr. Bank.

7. Present your slide show to the class.

*** Update: Bonus Slide

Create an additional slide offering one example of something you perceive as propaganda, found somewhere in our present-day society and culture.

Log onto the webquest here!

Propaganda: The Nazis

Monday, February 8, 2010

Web 2.0